Rescuing Cats and Dogs

in Romania

We are two siblings who rescue cats and dogs from the streets of Carei and surrounding towns in Romania. 

We created an non-profit cat sanctuary "FureverHome", where right now we have more then 350 cats and 74 dogs, it's very hard and many times overwhelming to take care of so many. 

We give them love and shelter, veterinary care, spay/neuter them and try to give them the good life they deserve after they lived in the street and in the cold. 

Our shelter is in great need of help, we are overwhelmed by bills and expenses, everyday we get calls about abandoned, sick and dying animals and we want to help all those who need it. 

We have so many cats because we rescued them from the worst possible conditions. If we wouldn't have helped them, they would have died. 

We did this from our own pocket for 3 years but it got to a point where we just didn't earn enough to take care of so many. Now thanks to our NGO and a few supporters we are able to help so many animals in need and sadly we constantly need to ask for help because of the huge bills and expenses, the many very sick cats in our care.

Only because of the help of a few supporters we were able to continue, and there are days when we feel that we cant go on. We wake up at 5am to take care of +40 sick quarantined cats that we took home because the cat shelter doesn't have more room or a proper quarantine, we tried to fundraise for that but sadly it wasn't successful. At 7am we go to the cat sanctuary which is in a village at 14km from our town, it used to be our dads vacation house, but now is home to hundreds of rescued homeless animals. 

The cats have 2 houses, 3 fireplaces, and a very big garden. The dogs have a large stable full of hey and a big forest to run around in (they never get sick, unlike the cats who constantly have health problems, daily more than 50 sick cats we have to treat with antibiotics and many expensive meds)

Cleaning takes us +8hours every single day, we never get a day off, no Sundays, no holidays, for +6 years now since we have so many in our care. 

Please consider a small donation or a Patreon monthly subscription so that we can continue to help those who no one else helps. 



Join our Patreon:

Donate by phone 

with Revolut to +40721599191

Bank account

RO0 5RNCB02221 681 7343000 3


Over the past +6 years we tried to spay as many cats as possible, over 1000 cats and +200 dogs, mostly from our own money, but we also had a spaying program with PETA and they paid (75% of the vet spaying bill) for +200 cats to be spayed, but they canceled the help because they said if we don't release the cats back in the street they wont help anymore. And even though we struggle with vet bills every single month, we wont abandon a cat in the streets of Romania just to please the employees with salaries from PETA. 

We have cats that are blind because they got hit by cars and both of their eyes came out, cats with amputated legs, cats with paralyzed limbs and incontinence, so this is why we do our best to keep them safe and a big and wealthy NGO like PETA can't bully us into abandoning cats just so that they can meet a PR quota. 

We have had over 100 cats with FIP (feline infectious peritonitis) 

The Tomcat above is Gandalf and is one of the lucky ones that was saved by the GS antiviral for FIP. We spent a fortune and borrowed in order to try to save them from this horrible disease that to this day is a battle for us. 

Our basic monthly shelter expenses exceed 6000 euros per month:

~1400 euros for raw chicken meat, which is their breakfast, half of which is also intended for the many dogs.

~1500 euros per month just for dry cat and dog food, sometimes more, sometimes less.

~300-400 euros just for basic cleaning materials such as disinfectant solutions, paper towels, detergents, etc.

~400-500 euros just for water and electricity bills.

~1000 euros for recovery food and gastro food for the sickest cats.

~800-1200 euros just for drugs, such as antibiotics, spot-on treatments, vaccines, supplements, etc.

~1200-2000 euros per month just for vet bills.

~800 euros represents the salary of our employee who helps us clean the two cat houses and spends more than 8 hours a day with them.

Neither of us have ever received a salary, not even my sister, who is in charge of the NGO's accounting, who has hundreds of invoices every month. We don't take any days off, so in the last 6 years of having so many animals in our care, we haven't had a day off, and volunteer help is rare, maybe one or two people every 2-3 months and only one person helped us out with foster care.

But the phone rings day and night for desperate cases of animals dying or being abandoned on the street.

We are very grateful to our supporters and we really need more support.

Any help you can give to the shelter and our animals would make a big difference!

The cats above are from horrible conditions from Ukraine after the war started, we were asked to help, and no other NGO in Romania helped them, or even from abroad, we are anything but a big NGO with resources but we still didn't say no when we say the desperation of the situation. In total we rescued 38 cats from Odessa, from 2 different people, one was an old lady who was being evicted from that dilapidated apartment, and the other cats were from a refugee with 2 children. 

Please consider a small donation or a Patreon monthly subscription so that we can continue to help those who no one else helps. 



Join our Patreon:

Donate by phone 

with Revolut to +40721599191

Bank account

RO0 5RNCB02221 681 7343000 3


We always try to fundraise, mostly on our Facebook page where we post regular updates, but we cant even raise enough money to pay a few vet bills. 

The truth is we are in desperate need of help, our animals are lacking so many things, from medicines to a proper quarantine, food is depleting daily, recovery food and even cleaning supplies are something we struggle daily. 

Any help we can get would make a big difference for these animals who only have us for their support. 

Right now we have over 40 kittens! All rescued of course, but we cant find any good adoptions for them! In Romania just ask any animal welfare NGO and they will all tell you they don't give for adoption in Romania, because most people here are irresponsible, and we had cases where an adopted handicaped cat was put back in the street during winter! Luckily after weeks of trying to re-trap her, we got lucky and now she lives with us and will never be abandoned again. Unfortunately we had many experiences like this but we also had many very successful adoptions, most abroad. 

If you are a responsible parent and want to adopt a kitten, cat or dog from us, please contact us!

We are in great need of help with adoptions!

Check out our merch store! 

We get around 10% of the sale value from the Teemill website that sells and delivers the merchandise. But all the designs on the website are original and made by us. 

Please consider a small donation or a Patreon monthly subscription so that we can continue to help those who no one else helps. 



Join our Patreon:

Donate by phone 

with Revolut to +40721599191

Bank account

RO0 5RNCB02221 681 7343000 3


You can support our rescued animals and our many sick cats with food by buying it online and using our address as the shipping destination. 

One site that we use is and the shipping is free 

Any help with food would mean a lot, we are in great need of recovery food for our most sick cats but also dry food both for the cats and dogs.  

Our address : City Carei, street Dr. Stefan Vonhaz nr 2a, postal code 445100, county Satu Mare, tel. 0721448830 

A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTER! We couldn't go on without you!